NATtrol™ - Molecular Controls from Zeptometrix

NATtrol™ Molecular Controls - place your order to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

There is a wide range of controls and you can easily search on ZeptoMetrix website to find the one you need, follow the link here, or contact us and we can assist.

NATtrol™ (Nucleic Acid Testing Control) products are the industry’s superior standard for independent quality control materials for molecular testing. NATtrol™ products are prepared from purified microorganisms that are grown in either cell culture, microbial culture, or isolated from the plasma of infected individuals. NAT testing controls are designed to reduce the window between when a patient is infected and a positive test result is rendered.

Controls available for the following platforms: Abbott ID NOWTM, Applied Biosystems QuantStudio, BD MAXTM, BioCode® MDx-3000, BioFire® FilmArray®, Cepheid® GeneXpert®, Focus SimplexaTM, GenMark® ePlex®, Hologic® Panther Fusion®, Luminex®, QIAGEN® QIAstat-Dx®, Real Time PCR, Roche COBAS® Liat®, Visby MedicalTM


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