Webinarie om molekylär Dermatofytdiagnostik

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Torsdag 23 januari kl. 16.00

Webinariet hålls av R-biopharm på engelska.


"For decades, traditional methods such as culture and microscopy have defined dermatophyte diagnostics - now, it's time for progress!

We will focus on this topic and the potential for time savings with high sensitivity and specificity using TandemPlex™ technology.

  • MT-PCR in dermatophyte diagnostics 
    Dr. Enrico Furchi, Institute: SC Microbiology and Virology IRCCS Ca' Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, Milan, Italy

  • Molecular dermatophyte diagnostics with the TandemPlex™ technology 
    Dr. Eva Berroth, Product Manager R-Biopharm "


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